config() =
#{id => id(),
config => term(),
level => logger:level() | all | none,
module => module(),
filter_default => log | stop,
filters => [{logger:filter_id(), logger:filter()}],
formatter => {module(), logger:formatter_config()}}
#{id => id(),
config => term(),
level => logger:level() | all | none,
module => module(),
filter_default => log | stop,
filters => [{logger:filter_id(), logger:filter()}],
formatter => {module(), logger:formatter_config()}}
Handler configuration data for Logger. The following default values apply:
- level => all
- filter_default => log
- filters => []
- formatter => {logger_formatter, DefaultFormatterConfig}
In addition to these, the following fields are automatically inserted by Logger, values taken from the two first parameters to logger:add_handler/3:
- id => HandlerId
- module => Module
These are read-only and cannot be changed in runtime.
Handler specific configuration data is inserted by the handler callback itself, in a sub structure associated with the field named config. See the logger_std_h(3) and logger_disk_log_h(3) manual pages for information about the specific configuration for these handlers.
See the logger_formatter(3) manual page for information about the default configuration for this formatter.